Sunday, December 25, 2016


Well hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!  I awoke this morning only to find another great fishing trip on my list, a return trip to the Alaska Peninsula, Pumice Creek Lodge.  I have fished this area for monster silver salmon for the past 27 years and now call it my home away from home.  On the Peninsula there are more huge brown bears than people and hundreds of thousands of monster silver salmon return home from the sea to their native river to spawn.  The weather on the Peninsula is harsh to say the least with normal strong winds and rain.  However, the fishing is darn right spectacular!  Days catch of a hundred silvers is possible if your arms are worthy and days of hundreds of arctic char can be easily completed.  Gary LaRose, owner of Pumice Creek Lodge, has been in the guiding business all his life.  While staying at the lodge you have the option of fishing for silvers at the Cinder River, which in my opinion has the largest, most abundant silvers on earth!  Or, you can fish Arctic Char at Lava Creek where the action is non-stop.  Alaska is a spectacular, vast land where vast herds of caribou roam, some of the largest moose and brown bear call home, and up north Polar Bears can be viewed!  Alaska was probably the best purchase the USA has ever done and am sure with the vast mineral resources available, Russia kicks themselves in the rear everyday after selling it very cheap.  Make sure to visit Alaska when you have the chance and you will definitely return numerous times like I have.
Speaking of Christmas, make sure to thank God on how blessed each one of us are.  Having been fortunate to visit many International countries, most here in the USA do not realize how good they have it!  Most, are lucky to find a meal for the day or a cup of water to drink.  Clothes are a blessing for most.  They do not have modern items such as computers, television,or any contact with the outside world! They is no going to the grocery store to fill your stomach or heading to the local doctor to cure your illness. They live each day more or less to Survive!  God bless each and every family on this day of celebration of  the birth of my Christ!

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