Saturday, June 11, 2016


The start of the Alaskan fishing season has finally begun.  After a long winter gorging themselves out at sea, millions of salmon will start their spawning run back into the freshwater runs from where they were born.  On the Alaska Peninsula thousands of king salmon will migrate first followed by sockeye, chums, pinks and finally silvers.  Pumice Creek Lodge owned and operated by Gary LaRose has long been know as the best lodge on the remote Peninsula.  Here you will not catch the giant kings found on the Kenai, but you have a chance at a king around 50lbs.  The season really picks up by the end of June on the Cinder River.  By the beginning of July, numerous kings can also be found on the King Salmon River.  LaRose makes sure clients can be fishing on the best locations each day.  My favorite time on the Peninsula is the fall season where millions of monster silver salmon enter the rivers.  The Peninsula has some of the largest silvers available in the state or anywhere else on earth.  Catches of over 100 silver in a day are not out of the questions with a few possibly exceeding the magical 20lbs.  I have fished the Peninsula for over 27 years and my best day was an arm wrcnching 144 silvers.  Arctic char are in full spawn colorations during the fall season.  These are perhaps the most beautiful freshwater fish on earth and are very easy to catch with some day practically a bite per cast.  I highly recommend if you have plans to head to Alaska this year, to contact Gary LaRose at or check out and you definately will have the fishing experience of your lifetime!

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