Friday, May 31, 2024



Luke Wyrsta, of Rock Expeditions, has announced that he will be operating 3 expeditions in the remote jungle of Papua New Guinea in search of PNG bass and barramundi.  The expeditions are August 3-12, August 18-27, and in early September.  All the expeditions are centered around moon phases which the locals say the best time for bass is.  All expeditions start in the town of Daru, which is accessible by taking a flight from Port Moresby on Air Niugini.  

Having previously caught 40+ lbs bass, in my opinion they are the strongest freshwater fish on earth!  They are the only fish either freshwater or saltwater which has pulled me to my knees.  The runs strip reels as I had my Shimano 500 TranX destroyed.  They snap rods and break line like pretzels.  Either immediately turn the bass after hookup or game over!  

In February, Luke, three friends, and myself did an exploratory trip into this area to look for potential.  This time period is the high-water season, so we knew chances of catching bass and barras was remote. However, we all agreed the potential is here.   We talked with local tribe chiefs and asked about the best times which they all said August when the waters are low and clear.  We obtained permission to fish numerous rivers.  Boats and gasoline were setup for the upcoming expeditions.  Luke has purchased new expedition tents for housing inside wooden structures built by the local natives.  The expeditions will be more or less roughing it.  We will have a generator and freezer to keep drinks cold.  Meals will be of fish, lobsters, crabs and other caught seafood.  

Papua New Guinea is perhaps the last frontier on earth.  These rivers we will fish have never seen a lure except for our February trip.  Being so remote, there are limited chances of catching these brutes.  

If trophy Papua New Guinea bass is on your hit list, give either Luke or me a shout on Facebook.  Or you can email me at and I will put you in contact with Luke.  

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