Friday, May 24, 2024



April is my favorite month to fish for dorado in the area known as "La Zona" in Argentina on the Rio Uruguay.  Normally, April has water levels from 3 meters to 6 meters so a variety of lures and techniques can be used.  In the past few years, the water levels at La Zona have been very low to very high, nothing in between.  I arrived in Buenos Aires a few days early to meet up with some old friends and visit some local tackle stores.  This year I stayed the majority of my time at the Gran Hotel Argentino.  The hotel is a great bargain!!  Always make sure to exchange for some "blue dolars" while in Argentina.  On March 31, the lodge taxis picked our group of four up for the 5 1/2-hour drive to Concordia where La Zona sits. Lodge owner, and great friend, Giuliana Bradanini greeted us upon arrival with a few bottles of cold Quilmes.  Giuliana would later in the week get married where I was honored to walk her down the aisle.  Each of us were given a room and spent the evening getting our tackle ready for our fishing Monday through Thursday.  The water levels were high around 8 meters while the coloration was slight chocolate which is usually a bad sign!  After discussing the fishing techniques with guides Alejandro and Elbio we decided to toss Kermett Adams doradokiller spinnerbaits. 
Friend, Cole, landed the first trophy dorado, a monster pushing the scales to 48 lbs.  Kermett's spinnerbaits with dual gold blades teamed with gold skirts was the ticket as fishing was good throughout the day.  Both boats landed a few dorado pushing the boga grip over the 40 lbs mark.  The key factor on Kermett's spinnerbaits is the rotating hook.  The huge dorado jumped often and get leverage on the hook thus bending it.  Since the spinnerbaits hook rotates, no leverage can be applied.  
During our stay we missed a few sessions due to thunderstorms.  It is extremely dangerous to be on the water during lightning storms with all the electrical wires near the Salto Grande dam.  The largest dorado caught during the stay was a trophy 50 lbs dorado caught by Greg.  The totals for our group of 4 was 11 weighing between 30-39 lbs, 10 weighing between 40-49 lbs, and 1 weighing 50 lbs.  In the past few years, the dorado have been getting larger most likely due to spinnerbaits being used.  In all. another great trip.  Congratulations to Giuliana!  Cannot wait to get back next April!

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