Monday, September 22, 2014


Having had the opportunity to fish the top rivers on the Alaska Peninsula over the last 26 years for monster silver salmon, I feel that I have the experience to recommend the top lure producers. The Blue Fox pixee spoon is without a doubt the top lure of choice. These come in 3 sizes (1.4oz, 1/2oz, and 7/8oz). I always use the 7/8oz which retrieves deep and steady in fast river currents. The pixess have either UV, nickel plated, gold plated, or painted & metallic finishes. They have an egg insert which will attract silvers. The inserts come in various colorations with top choices being red, orange, pink, and green. Each lure comes with a single siwash hook to replace the treble hook if desired. Often we attach a plastic squid to the siwash hook to tempt shy silvers. Another top producer is the Blue Fox Clasic vibrax spinners. These spinners come in various sizes and colorations. For silvers go with either size #5 or #6. The brass stamped blades are either silver planted, copper plated or painted. The bodies come in various sizes with hot pink, nickel red, and red tiger being the top producer.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Had the opportunity to fish at Pumice Creek Lodge, which is located 100 miles south of King Salmon on the Alaska Peninsula. This was my 26th straight year fishing for monster silver salmon on the Peninsula. Friends Cole Lundquist and Kevin Cleary made up the rest of the group. Pumice Creek Lodge is owned by Gary LaRose, We are given the option of fishing for silvers on the Cinder River or for arctic char on Lava Creek. During the week we fished both locations with tremendous success. The silver salmon were really packed in tight near deep holes. This year's low amount of precipitation, make the river structure change from past years as many spots filled in with sand and gravel. Once we locked into the silvers, it was practically a silver every few casts. My best day was landing and releasing 89 silvers all caught on spinning equipment with a pixee spoon. Cole and Kevin also had similar results. Lava Creek is like nothing you have fished. We each stopped counting char at 100 and that catch was normally made around noon. Many of the char were in their brillant spawning colorations. The weather on the Peninsula is known to be terrible. However, this year we did not have any rain, but had winds up to 60mph which made flying interesting. While fishing the Cinder River, we would flyout and land the plane in the tundra then motor up to the hotspots. On Lava Creek we would land on a cinder path then wade the creek. During flying we saw a few moose, a few caribou, but no brown bear this year for some unknown reason. This trip is on top of my favorite list. The scenery on the Peninsula is breathtaking and there are no others around for miles nad miles. Cannot wait to head back next September to battle the monster silvers and abundant char.